Lithgow History Avenue
Lithgow History Avenue is a representation of the important milestones in the history of Lithgow captured in sculpture.
There are 30 pieces of works along Inch Street, each of which is an opportunity to learn more about the history of Lithgow.
Local metal artist Phil Spark’s works stretch from the top of Inch Street, past Eskbank Station and Eskbank House to the entrance of Blast Furnace Park.
A walk through Lithgow History Avenue will bring alive the history of Lithgow for all to enjoy. You can browse the mobile friendly site at Lithgow History Avenue, while you are enjoying the walk.
Sculptures along History Avenue with the year marked and the event featured:
Click on the Date to see more information.
1813 Crossing of the Blue Mountains
1836 Charles Darwin Visits Wallerowang Homestead
1842 Thomas and Mary Brown Move into Eskbank House
1851 Gold Discovered near Bathurst
1851 The Great Exhibition opens in London
1868 Coal Mined Commercially in Lithgow
1870 Eskbank Station Opens
1875 Iron Making Begins at Thomas Brown‘s property “Eskbank”
1875 Lithgow Public School Opens
1878 Rickard J Inch opens the first Brewery in Lithgow
1879 First Pots Made by James Silcock at the Lithgow Pottery
1880 First Chilled Meat sent to England from Lithgow by Thomas Mort
1880 Ned Kelly Hanged
1887 Joseph Cook arrives in Lithgow
1887 Lithgow Workmen’s Club Formed
1891 Lithgow Co-Operative Society Formed
1901 Federation
1901 Queen Victoria Dies
1901 First steel pour in Australia at Eskbank
1907 Railway to Newnes completed
1910 Lithgow Trades Hall Picture Palace opens
1910 Ten Tunnels Deviation of Zig Zag completed
1911 Lithgow Riot
1912 Small Arms Factory Begins Production
1913 Joseph Cook becomes Prime Minister of Australia
1915 Gallipoli Landings
1921 Steel Works Owner George Hoskins buys land at Port Kembla
1928 Lithgow Greyhound Racing Club Founded
1928 Hoskins Church Completed
1929 Demolition of Blast Furnace Begun
History Avenue:
Inch Street, Lithgow
Ph: 1300 760 276
Email: tourism@lithgow.com